we can't win
That's the point
The Can't Win Victory Fund helps cant-idates run for office in unwinnable districts.​
Politicians are picking their voters instead of voters picking their politicians.
This rigged system has real consequences:
70% of our ballots are uncontested—no choice, no competition.
Winners are decided before votes are cast, leaving communities voiceless.
Folks feel like their votes don't matter...so they don't vote.
State legislatures pass extreme laws, ignoring the will of the people.
Elected leaders report to map-makers, not voters.
We deserve competitive elections that hold our leaders accountable.​​
Here at the Can't Win Victory Fund, we lose a lot. But when we run, democracy wins.

by the numbers
Both parties gerrymander (and both are wrong). Republicans are currently gerrymandering more.
Gerrymandering determines control of the US House of Representatives and 13 state legislatures.