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Beth Kendall

Beth Kendall is a Physician Assistant by day and a fierce advocate for accessible politics by night. Her journey into advocacy began in medicine, where she saw how a broken healthcare system treated basic needs as luxuries, leaving patients—and millions of others—struggling.


Instead of walking away, Beth leaned into her science-driven mindset and uncovered the root issue: elected officials out of touch with their constituents, and voters too overwhelmed to fight back. In 2018, Beth ran for County Commissioner in Iredell County, earning more votes than any Democrat in decades by focusing on bold ideas and personal outreach.


As Chairwoman of the Iredell County Democratic Party since 2020, she’s built a vibrant network of volunteers and shifted her community left, even as more than 90% of US counties moved right in 2024.


At the Can't Win Victory Fund, Beth uses her passion for education and problem-solving to turn unwinnable campaigns into opportunities to inspire and empower voters to demand fair maps and better representation.

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